OTSUKARE! (個人プロジェクト)
CD+AD+I+C+A+Ed ●A:あや☆ぽっぷ |
Japanese Greetings You Must Remember!
If you were travelling to Japan, you’d likely look up and try to learn a few words of greetings;
like Konnichiwa, Arigato, Sumimasen etc…. Actually, there is a word you most definitely want to remember.
It’s OTSUKARE! It means friendly compassion, gratitude and respect.
This word of greeting will help to instantly bring you and the Japanese people closer.
Just one word can help people from around the world and the Japanese be on friendlier terms.
If you were travelling to Japan, you’d likely look up and try to learn a few words of greetings;
like Konnichiwa, Arigato, Sumimasen etc…. Actually, there is a word you most definitely want to remember.
It’s OTSUKARE! It means friendly compassion, gratitude and respect.
This word of greeting will help to instantly bring you and the Japanese people closer.
Just one word can help people from around the world and the Japanese be on friendlier terms.
私は世界125カ国にオフィスがある広告代理店に在籍した時代、会議や出張などでいろんな国の素晴らしい仲間達と出会いました。流暢に英語が話せなかったものの、少しでも彼らと仲良くしたいと願い、全ての仲間に一つのシンプルな日本の言葉を教え続けました。驚くことにそれは数年の間、再会のたびに交わされる合言葉となり、我々の絆を強くしてくれました。それが OTSUKARE! です。たとえ言語や文化が違っても、たったひとつの言葉が心をつなぐこともあるのです。日本を訪れるガイジンさんをはじめ、もっと多くの人にこの言葉に込められた意味を知ってもらい、世界中の人々が国境を超え、今以上にお互いを思いやる心を膨らませてくれたらと願います。